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- GK snap shot on 24 April
World Book and Copyright Day 2020: April 23
UN English language day & UN Spanish language day 2020: April 23
World Games Birmingham unveils new logo, title for 2022 edition
Mairabai Chanu and Jeremy Lalrinnunga qualifies for Tokyo Olympics confirmed by IWF
SpaceX launches Falcon 9 carrier rocket with 60 satellites Starlink
Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ e-launches VidyaDaan 2.0 program on DIKSHA platform
“Lockdown Learners” series launched with students & educators in India on COVID-19: UNODC
Lebanon becomes 1st Arab nation to legalise cannabis farming
IOB launches Working Capital Demand Loan for agriculture sector: COVID-19
23% decline projected in Migrants Remittances to India in 2020 due to COVID-19: World Bank Report
COVID-19: BCCI creates Team Mask Force to spread awareness
Karnataka Government Launches “Apthamitra” to combat COVID-19
CSIR-IGIB scientists develops ”Feluda” a low-cost coronavirus test strip