PI : Type of  Questions 


work experience BaseD 

  1. Describe your job profile.
  2. Tell us something interesting you have done in your job.
  3. What are your achievements outside your job responsibilities?
  4. Where did you work? What are the developments you have done there? What were the products services of this company? Is it listed on the stock exchange?
  5. What is the strength of the company in terms of the number of people working in the company?
  6. Who are the major suppliers/clients/customers of the company? 
  7. What type of industry did your company deal in? Who are the major players in this industry?
  8. What is the growth rate of this industry?
  9. How much was the turnover of the company?
  10. What are the details of the salary you received?
  11. Why is the company paying you so much/so little?
  12. Describe an incident in your company which has an impact on you.
  13. What problems did you face in your job?
  14. Which projects did you work on?
  15. What do you think of the management of your company? What is your contribution to your company?


Hobbies and extra-curricular activities based


  1. What extra-curricular activities did you pursue? When did you pursue them (school/college)?
  2. How do you allocate time between studies and extra-curricular activities?
  3. Have extra-curricular activities harmed your academics?
  4. What motivated you to pursue this activity? What did you learn from the activity?
  5. How will you apply the learning from this activity in your life?
  6. Describe any major achievements with respect to this hobby/activity.
  7. How important are extra curricular activities in personality development?
  8. What expenses did you incur for the activities? How did you finance them?
  9. How did you develop this hobby?
  10. How much time do you spend on it?
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