Exam pattern


Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET) 2024 is an online exam of 60 Minutes duration.

Key highlights of SET 2024 are:

1. SET 2024 will be divided in 4 sections
2. SET 2024 exam will have 60 questions in MCQ format

3. Each correct answer in SET 2024 will be awarded +1 mark
4. Total maximum marks in SET 2024 are 60.

5. No extra time will be given for candidates who report late at the test centre
6. Each question in SET 2024 will have 4 responses.

All the 4 sections are mandatory to attempt
Candidates from move from section to other during the overall time limit of SET exam
There will not be negative marking for wrong answers in SET 2024 exam

Written Ability Test (WAT)

1. WAT for SLAT/SET will be evaluated by respective institute (s)/ programme (s) for which you have paid and have been shortlisted.
2. WAT scores will not be declared along with SET/SLAT score card.

S.N. Section Name  Number of Questions Max Marks
1. General English 16 16
2. Quantitative  16 16
3. General Awareness 16 16
4. Analytical and Logical Reasoning 12 12
  Total 60 60

Written Ability Test (WAT)


Syllabus for SET can be helpful.

Preparation for SET can be based on following important topics in SET syllabus.

SECTION  1 – General English

This section in SET includes questions on Verbal Ability and Reading comprehension passages. Vocabulary and Grammar based questions are an important part of General English section. Key topics are:

1.         Reading Comprehension
2.         Para-jumble
3.         Idioms and Phrases
4.         Fill in the Blanks
5.         Para Completion
6.         Antonym, Synonym, Confusing Words

Section 2: Quantitative

1.            Number System (HCF LCM)
2.            Percentage
3.            Simple Interest and Compound Interest
4.            Profit, Loss and Distance
5.            Average
6.            Time and Work
7.            Ratio, Proportion and Variation
8.            Time, Speed and Distance
9.            Sequence and Series
10.          Mensuration
11.          Equations
12.          Logarithm
13.          Geometry

Section 3: General Awareness

General Awareness with 40 questions, is an equally important section in SET . Major topics covered in SET syllabus are:

1.            Current national Affairs
2.            Current International Affairs
3.            Static GK questions like Currencies, capitals, Geography, Books & Authors, based questions
4.            Appointments, Agreements, questions based on constitution
5.            Questions based on Economics, finance

Section-4: Analytical & Logical Reasoning

Reasoning section has 30 questions but is considered as very important section in SET exam. Following are the major topics to be prepared for SET :

1.            Sequencing and Arrangement
2.            Team Selection
3.            Syllogism
4.            Passage Conclusion
5.            Analogy
6.            Statement Argument
7.            Assertions reasons
8.            Family tree
9.            Direction
10.          Series, cause & effect, calendar, distribution

The section is supposed to have moderate level of difficulty but may be more time consuming. Make sure that you have covered all of them.





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