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Why Law ? 1.Law as a profitable career 2.Carreer options in law |
1.Law as a profitable career
The evolution of Law as a profitable career option is nothing short of remarkable. No longer does one have to envision visits to the court to further their career! One can now very well sit behind a sleek desk and conduct the legal affairs of some of the world's multi-billion dollar global giants. One can also envision getting pro-active in social issues and work at prestigious institutions like the United Nations and the World Bank or teach at the premier Law institutions across the world. Keeping in mind India's legal system which is similar to that of several jurisdictions across the world, a career in Law in India acquires international dimensions.
The Reason for making your career in the field of LAW are as under :
Diverse Career options in Law
The complexities of our legal system have created hundreds of legal career options that serve a variety of core and non-core legal functions. From lawyers, judges, and mediators to paralegals, secretaries, and consultants, the legal professional’s role is expanding and evolving to keep pace with the ever-changing legal system.
Growth and Opportunity
In the last several years, the legal profession has experienced staggering growth. A steady rise in profits and revenues expanded headcounts and significant salary increases have provided plenty of job opportunities in a broad range of legal positions.
Financial Rewards
The legal profession is one of the most lucrative industries in today’s job market. Double-digit growth in recent years has produced healthy revenues and rising salaries. Associates in the nation’s largest law firms start at $150,000 to $180,000 and partners earn average salaries in excess of $1.2 million. Many non-lawyers also reap significant financial rewards in the legal profession.
Client Service
At the heart of the legal professional’s role is client service. Whether you are a lawyer representing a multinational corporate client, a paralegal assisting abused women to obtain restraining orders or a law clerk researching a tax issue for a new business, the fundamental purpose of the legal professional is the help others resolve their legal problems.
Diverse Practice Areas
Increased segmentation and specialization in the legal profession has spawned a growing number of legal specialties and sub-specialties that cater to almost every legal interest. Legal professionals who seek a career in litigation can specialize in criminal law, employment law, family law, products liability or dozens of other practice areas. Legal professionals who prefer a career in corporate law can specialize in tax law, mergers, and acquisitions, real estate, finance or another corporate practice area that satisfies their interests.
Intellectual Challenge
Navigating an evolving legal system, advances in technology, vast bodies of case law and the demands of the legal profession creates a stimulating intellectual environment for the legal professional. Lawyers and non-lawyers alike must grapple with conceptually challenging issues, reason with logic and clarity, analyze the case and statutory law, research complex legal issues and master oral and written communications.
Historically, the legal profession has weathered economic downturns quite well and should do so in the future, in part due to the growing geographic and practice diversification of many law firms. In fact, some practice areas such as litigation, bankruptcy, and reorganization, residential real estate foreclosures and regulatory compliance will actually benefit from an economic slowdown. As a result, legal professionals should find plenty of job opportunities in any economic climate.
In a culture that views high pay, impressive schooling and societal power as hallmarks of success, the legal profession has long been regarded as a noble and elite profession. This image is further boosted by the portrayal of legal careers in the media as exciting, glamorous, fast-paced and desired. As a result, the legal profession has held its allure and careers in the law remain is one of the most sought-after professions in today’s job market.
Global Perspective
More firms and corporations are crossing international borders and expanding across the globe through mergers, acquisitions, consolidation, and collaboration with foreign counsel. The globalization of the legal profession provides today’s legal professional with a worldview and the opportunity to serve international clients.
Dynamic Environment The legal profession is continually changing and evolving, bringing new challenges and rewards. Legal professionals must be problem-solvers and innovators, willing to assume new responsibilities, tackle new challenges, master new technology and navigate an ever-evolving legal system. This dynamic legal landscape makes each day unique and fosters an enjoyable, fulfilling work
2.Carreer options in law
A list of career options in law is as follows
Corporate Law
Corporate lawyers advise corporations on their legal rights and obligations, are responsible for drafting and vetting and in negotiating contracts for the company, ensuring and monitoring compliance with laws and handling legal disputes that the company may be involved in large corporate houses like Princewater Coopers, GECapital, ICICI bank, ITC,IBM, Infosys, KPMG , HLL ,Wipro frequent law school campus recruitment programmes.
Corporate lawyers are paid handsomely and also enjoy various perks over and above the salary. A 'company job' offers tremendous security and also recognizes hard work.
Research and Academics
An education in Law provides an expertise in the area of legal research which requires patience, hard work, genuine interest and passion for research. Opportunities are available in the form of posts of research assistants, lecturers and scholars to head research departments. Research in a law school is not just confined to a specific field, but today an average law student has to conduct studies and examine issues on diverse fields ranging from intellectual property rights, environmental law and space law to international arbitration. Harvard Law Journal, Oxford University Law Journal
A career in media after a Law degree
For those who have good communication skills and are highly inquisitive, this is the right option. Working as a journalist is not only challenging but is also monetarily very rewarding. A legal education arms you with comprehensive writing and researching skills as well as teaches you to be conversant with facts and figures. You have the choice of reporting on legal issues or a number of other issues. As long as you are interested in a career that is socially relevant, and willing to pursue a career that is not strictly related to law, then this is certainly a very exciting career option to explore. It is without doubt that this career is extremely satisfying and intellectually very stimulating.
In India, the impact of journalism is on the rise. The readership of newspapers and television news channels 'audience has increased. Hence the demand for journalists has all the more increased. So if you feel that you have a flair for communication, then this option is the most suitable for you.
Business Management after Law
Law graduates are well versed with the legal skills and knowledge about all business dealings, too. Many big companies are now opting to recruit law students keeping in mind all these advantages. The need for a high-paid senior adviser can be avoided to a great extent.
Law Firms (Indian) | 8 Lac p.a. – Rs. 12 Lac p.a.* |
Law Firms (Foreign) | £36,000 p.a. – £65,000 p.a.* |
Companies (Indian) | Rs. 5 Lac p.a. – Rs. 12 Lac p.a.* |
LPOs (Indian) | Rs. 4 Lac p.a. – Rs. 6 Lac p.a.* |
(*Based on data gathered from various sources)
Remember the Bollywood movies you have seen with those dramatic court scenes? The traditional picture of a lawyer wearing black robes is based on this popular image! This involves arguing in court on various issues ranging from property matters to criminal matters, constitution's law, family law etc. Success of legal practice depends on mouth publicity by the clients. Normally a junior who joins the senior in chambers either ends up with his own private practice or as professional heir of his senior. But as he advances in career he may charge 'per-appearance' fee in the court which may range from a meager twenty thousand rupees to sums ranging in lacs, whereas an appearance may range between few seconds to minutes depending on the case and the lawyer's reputation. Professionals like K.K.Venu Gopal, Fali Nariman, Soli Sorabjee are a few names who have followed this career path. Success in litigation requires a lot of patience, hard-work, subject expertise, experience and relationship building.
Law firms
Group of lawyers who share liabilities and profits of a firm and engage other lawyers to work with them as associates. These associates can work in the firm for a period of time and can even become partners in the firm and share in the profits of the firm.
Social advocate
Opportunities for social advocacy are available through non-governmental organizations, human rights organizations and allied organizations like United Nations, Amnesty and UNICEF. Environmental protection, gender concerns, caste-discrimination, unemployment, working condition of labors are prominent social issues that are not only part of course curriculum of certain law schools but issues for which NGOs stand. A sizeable number of law school students join NGOs that work for these issues.
The judiciary can be a suitable option for those aspiring to take up job in the public service or the state. An independent judicial system is the backbone of a vibrant democracy, and India is fortunate enough to have one.
Some big names hiring from Law Schools are:
Management consultancies like McKinsey & C., KPMG, Price Waterhouse Coopers MNCs like Hindustan Unilever, GE, ITC, EIPRO, Infosys; International law firms including Linklaters (UK), Clifford Chance (UK), Allen & Overy Indian law firms like Amarchand
Government services:
Lawyers are appointed in central services (Indian Legal Service) through UPSC. Posts covered under Indian Legal Service are law officers, assistant advisors, deputy legal advisors and legal advisors. State legal services appoint lawyers through SPSC exams in senior position in State Police/Revenue/ Judicial Departments. Posts in the judiciary include magistrate, district and sessions judge, Munsifs (sub-magistrate), public prosecutor, solicitors, attorney general, advocate general, notary and oath commissioner. There are also legal secretaries appointed in legislative assemblies, law inspectors, and legal officers in banks, judicial members of income tax, sales tax, excise departments, government advocates, and legal staff in a company's office. Examinations for these posts are conducted regularly and recruitment for such vacancies is advertised regularly in the mass media.
Magistrate and Sub-Magistrate: A candidate who qualifies for the Law Service Commission or State Public Service Commission is eligible for appointment as Magistrate and Sub-Magistrate (Munsifs). While Magistrates preside over criminal courts, a Munsif delivers judgment on civil cases. Promotion may take a person higher up to the post of sub-Judge, District and Sessions Courts Judge and further (depending upon seniority and vacancy) to appointments in the High Court and the Supreme Court.
Public Defender: At the state, federal and local level, public defenders serve as court appointed lawyers for those who cannot afford a lawyer.
Public Prosecutor: As government pleader/counsel these represent the state in session courts and advise district officers in all legal matters as and when required.
Solicitors: Advise the government on legal matters and submit statement of important cases to the Attorney-General of India, for his opinion or appearance in the Supreme Court as necessary. He is assisted in this by the Solicitor General.
Attorney General: The Attorney General is appointed by the President and advises the government on such legal matters as may be assigned to him by the President. He has the right of audience in all courts of India and participates in the proceedings of Parliament without the right to vote.
Advocate General: Similar to the post of Attorney General at the Center, each state has an Advocate General appointed by State Governors. This office generally prosecutes cases that have statewide significance and work with the local District Attorney's office in the prosecution of cases. One of the best ways for young lawyers to gain trial experience quickly after graduation is to work at a State Attorney's office.
The Notary, Oath Commissioner: A Notary is a legal practitioner of at least ten years service in the profession. He is appointed on application by the central or state government to draw, verify, authenticate, certify and attest the execution of any deed by virtue of his office. Oath Commissioner is another established authority similar to the Notary.
District Attorney: Assistant State Attorneys (also called District Attorneys) are primarily responsible for criminal matters and prosecution. The District Attorney is usually an elected official. Depending upon the size of the District Attorney's office, they may have multiple units that focus upon different types of crime such as domestic violence, homicide, appellate work or sex crimes. If you work with a smaller District Attorney's office, you may have the opportunity of handling diverse cases.
Legal Advisors: Public sector undertakings and statecentral government organizations also employ lawyers as advisors.
The work profile of a lawyer
It's not easy being a lawyer!A lot of us habitually think of lawyers as the men in 'black and white', vociferously arguing the law to ensure that their client's interests are put across in the best possible manner, yet little do we realize that the lawyer's job is multifarious and involves both simple and complicated issues. The legal system in any society affects nearly every aspect of our lives, from buying a home to crossing the street. Lawyers form the backbone of this vital system, linking it to society in numerous ways. For that reason, they hold positions of repute, responsibility and are obligated to adhere to a strict code of ethics. Lawyers act as both advocates and advisors in our human society. Human society is a confluence of interests, common causes, and struggles. These are continous in nature. Automatically, and naturally, this leads to disputes, friction and differences of opinions. When these happen, we need people who can represent us in front of the senior authorities who are vested with the power to judge the rightness of our claims. These people are Advocates. As advocates, these professionals represent one of the parties in criminal and civil trials by presenting evidence and arguing in court to support their client. As advisors, lawyers counsel their clients concerning their legal rights and obligations and suggest particular courses of action in business and personal matters. Then there are trial lawyers who specialize in trial work and are familiar with courtroom rules and strategy. These lawyers conduct research, interview clients and witnesses, and handle other details in preparation for a trial. Lawyers may specialize in a number of areas, such as bankruptcy, intellectual property, helping to protect clients' claims to copyrights, artwork under contract, product designs, and computer programs. Still other lawyers advise insurance companies about the legality of insurance transactions, guiding the company in writing insurance policies to conform to the law and to protect the companies from unwarranted claims. And then there is the huge area of corporate law, handled by specialist corporate lawyers who advise companies on legal issues related to business activities. These issues might involve patents, government regulations, contracts with other companies, property interests, or collective bargaining agreements with unions. Law and legal activity is the bedrock of all social change – this means that your contribution to your nation's development can be made through a legal career. You could help people in distress, advocating areas that they are concerned about such as child rights, women's issues, or the protection of refugees. So if you think that you can make a difference to people's lives and have all the traits of a lawyer, then law should be your calling. |