Exam pattern

MAT Question Paper:

Duration, Sectional composition & Scoring pattern

  • The test paper has a time duration of 2½ hours.
  • There are 200 objective type questions in MCQs form in MAT question paper
  • Question difficulty level is easy to moderate
  • The test paper is divided in 5 sections with 40 questions in each section
  • Exam sections are
    1. Language Comprehension 
    2. Mathematical skills 
    3. Data Analysis and Sufficiency 
    4. Intelligence and Critical Reasoning
    5. Indian and Global Environment.

  • Merit Score in the exam is calculated on the basis of 4 sections only and the score of Indian & Global Environment is separately shown but is not taken into account to calculate the merit or percentile in the score card.
  • Each correct answer is awarded +1 Mark
  • Each wrong answer is penalized with negative marking of -0.25 mark
  • The score card displays scaled score out of 800 Marks and not out of 160 or 200 raw scores

On the score card along with the sectional and overall scaled scores, the sectional and overall percentile is also displayed.



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